Class Policies & FAQs

I registered! What happens next?
Yay! We will be in touch soon with more details about your class.  Be sure to read all pre-season emails & texts to stay informed. 

Accept the invite to join the private GroupMe group for your class. This is a free app to stay connected and informed about class updates. I will use this group to send pre and post-class announcements, share our class photos & videos, and send class surveys. It will also be a space where guides can share photos of their play throughout the week to motivate, encourage, and inspire. 

Can siblings attend?
Siblings under 12 months of age may attend at no cost. Siblings over 12 months should enroll in the class. 

Families are asked to notify the teacher, in advance, if an extra child/sibling needs to attend a session due to scheduling change (eg. a day off at school) so the teacher can prepare any necessary materials.

If an extra child (sibling, relative, or friend) will attend a class, we ask that you make arrangements to pay the “drop-in fee” to the leader in advance of the class (via Venmo).

Are refunds offered?
If a refund is requested five business days BEFORE the first class of the season, families can receive a full refund or credit towards a future class.

If a refund is requested AFTER the season of classes begins, families can receive a refund for half of the value of the remaining sessions in the season, minus 10% for administration fees.

Are credits or refunds offered for missed sessions?
Credits and refunds not offered for classes missed by families. 

If more than 2 sessions in one season need to be canceled by the teacher without rescheduling, families are eligible for a refund for those canceled sessions. 

What happens in inclement weather?
Decisions about whether it is safe to hold class are determined by the teacher using local weather guidance and a weather chart. 

The teacher will update families at least 90 minutes before class by email and/or text message. 

Whenever possible, the session will be offered at another time the same week.

How do teachers foster a safe learning environment during class?
Each explorer (child) is accompanied by a guide (parent or caregiver). Teachers support guides and do all that they reasonably can to provide a learning environment that allows for safe risk-taking. 

Teachers bring a First Aid Kit to class, which can be utilized by guides (attending adults) if needed. 

A few, simple rules help to address most situations:

~Explorers (children) can explore on their own as long as they can still see or hear their guide or the Teacher.

~If explorers are taking physical risks, we check in to make sure that they feel sturdy and safe in their risk-taking. 

~Teachers encourage children to engage in risky play, but give clear redirection if or when safety and the safety of friends in the class could be compromised. For example, we celebrate that sticks are the #1 toy of all time, but we make sure that our sticks have plenty of space so they do not touch our friends' bodies. Ultimately, over time, we want to help children learn how to learn their limits while still playing in a way that keeps them and their friends out of true harm.

~We encourage children not to put nature treasures in their mouths. If a wee one is doing so as a natural part of exploring the world, we work with their guide to try to honor that need in the safest way possible.

Pre-Class Health Check:
Before class, please follow the self-assessment steps in our Pre-class Health Checklist and reach out to reschedule if you or anyone attending doesn't pass.

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